Fox News contributor Newt Gingrich compares climate activists to Nazi brownshirts
Gingrich: “Look, I think they are exactly like the brownshirts in Italy and Germany in the '30s and the late '20s. I think they are like the Soviets in 1917. Like the Maoists in the 1950s.”
From the November 5, 2021, edition of Fox News' America's Newsroom
DANA PERINO (CO-ANCHOR): Have you seen, Mr. Speaker, this harassment of Senator Manchin? This follows what happened to Senator Kyrsten Sinema. Let's put that up on the screen for everyone to see. It's one thing to go up to somebody's house boat in a kayak, it's another to try to trap somebody in a parking garage. Of course they are filming it so they can try and get on air. What do you think about these tactics from the left?
NEWT GINGRICH (FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR): Look, I think they are exactly like the brownshirts in Italy and Germany in the '30s and the late '20s. I think they are like the Soviets in 1917. Like the Maoists in the 1950s. These are totalitarians and they are saying, you know, I want come after you. I actually think Sinema and Manchin ought to just switch parties. They oughta say, 'we got it, you don't like us or want us, goodbye.' This stuff is crazy and it's also, as you know, in the case of Rand Paul he had six ribs broken by a crowd that attacked he and his wife. So I think there's a -- we ought to look at this and realize this is dangerous stuff.
PERINO: Try to persuade, don't try to do these kinds of thing.