Gingrich (!) blames Obama for people thinking he's a foreign Muslim

From The Hill:

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said on Spanish-language television that President Obama “absolutely” was born in the United States and is a Christian, adding that Obama should look at what he's doing that may lead so many to brand him a Muslim.

“If I were the president that would really concern me, not because of Fox News or talk radio or Rush Limbaugh, but what is there that he's doing that would let that many people be confused?” Gingrich said on Univision's “Al Punto.” “I mean, I totally take him at his own word. And certainly all the evidence we have is he went to a Christian church in Chicago and he goes to Christian churches in Washington.

”I think some of this stuff is just a sign of how much fear and anxiety has built up, but I think the president has an obligation to slow down and say, if you're president of all the people, what is it the White House is doing that so frightens a third of the Republican Party that they don't even believe something as simple and as obvious as his self professed religious belief," Gingrich added. “I think that's sad, frankly.”

You read that right: The guy who said that Obama was engaging in “Kenyan, anti-colonial” behavior -- and who, earlier this year, likened the Obama administration to Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union -- thinks it's Obama's fault that Republicans believe false smears about the president.

Needless to say, WorldNetDaily promoted Gingrich's statement as support for its own anti-Obama birther campaign.

When WorldNetDaily is approvingly quoting what you say, most people would take that as a sign that their words are extremist. Not Gingrich, apparently.