OAN guest defends invasion of Ukraine, claims it's a “distraction” from Biden's domestic problems
NY Young Republicans President Gavin Wax praises Russia as “a nationalistic Christian country that's been a thorn in the side to the globalists' agenda”
From the February 23, 2022, edition of OAN's The Tipping Point
KARA MCKINNEY (HOST): Well, I know sanctions can make energy costs even worse for us here at home, but what do you make of this recent White House messaging attempt to retroactively attribute all of our inflation and all of our high gas prices to the Ukraine situation?
GAVIN WAX (PRESIDENT, NEW YORK YOUNG REPUBLICANS): Well, it goes beyond just economics. I mean, they're trying to pin all the country's, you know, disasters that are going on right now on this impending, you know, self-created Ukraine crisis. I mean, this is basically their distraction. It's a distraction from the domestic front, it's a distraction from Canada, and everything that's happening across the broader Western world. So, it's a convenient excuse, it obviously is not based in facts or reality, but usually these woke leftist talking points rarely are. And what we're seeing is basically a regime that's flailing around, desperate to find excuses for their own failures, and looking for anything, anything, to get the public's attention off of them and onto something else. And if it means a war, it means a war. This is how they think in D.C., and that's what's going to lead our country down a pretty terrible path in the years to come.
MCKINNEY: So, help me to understand something here. Canada and the U.S. both jail political opponents as we've, you know, seen. They're now trying to defend another country that also jails its political opponents, against a country that also jails its political opponents. Of course, those countries respectively, Canada, the U.S., Ukraine, and Russia. So, and of course all of this is being done under the guise of "democracy." At this point, what does that word even mean?
WAX: It means nothing. All "democracy" means today is that the left's preferred political party is in charge in these different countries and regions. That's all it means. That doesn't actually mean anything about freedom, about liberty, about egalitarianism, about the democratic process. Nothing. That's all just a ruse. It's a failing ruse as demonstrated by the polling that they were referencing in that press conference. So, all they have to do now is simply say, "we're the good guys, they're bad guys," and that is the death of their, you know, philosophy as it comes to foreign affairs or interventionism.
I mean, Ukraine is a corrupt oligarchic state. The only difference really between them and Russia is that the oligarchs in Ukraine work with people like the Bidens and other corrupt U.S. officials, while Russia, it's kind of on their own. Obviously there is a lot more differences there, I'm being a bit facetious, but it's absolutely ridiculous the United States or any country in the West, for that matter, is going to lecture Russia on human rights abuses and all these other, you know, litany of things, when they themselves are guilty of plenty of human rights abuses. Especially during the era of this COVID biomedical fascism. I mean, what we've seen in Canada, what we saw previously in Australia and New Zealand, and even in our own country, is absolutely reprehensible. All done under the guise of fighting a pandemic. So, really we're in no position to lecture anyone. This is not about, you know, Good versus Evil. You know, the good guys winning the day. This is simply about trying to protect a state that's a thorn in the side to Russia, and Russia's a nationalistic Christian country that's been a thorn in the side to the globalists' agenda. So they're trying do everything they can to isolate Russia, to marginalize Russia, and to expand these institutions, these global institutions' control over more areas of the world. And Ukraine is just the latest battleground in that fight.