OAN host: Hydroxychloroquine deniers “have blood on their hands”
From the March 11, 2021, edition of One America News' Real America with Dan Ball
DAN BALL: I will put it on our fellow colleagues in the media. They have blood on their hands. Point blank, period, Doc. Because this president was, as my grandma used to say, damned if you do, damned if you don't. And no matter what this president did, you had those talking heads on CNN, MSNBC, the big three, ABC, NBC, CBS. You had Democrats on those shows all the time saying, "Hydroxychloroquine kills. The cocktail kills. Don't use it. Don't listen to the president."
So if anyone has blood on their hands after we look back at this pandemic as we are now definitely rounding the corner - and I firmly believe we are on the other side of it - that's who's got blood on their hands. Not the Trump administration.