Fox News panel whines about Olympic opening ceremony: “It's a disease and it's hateful”

Fox anchor Harris Faulkner: “I didn't watch the whole thing anyway. I was so offended. I turned it off.”

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Citation From the July 29, 2024, edition of Fox News' Outnumbered

HARRIS FAULKNER (ANCHOR): I don't really understand what they think they accomplished through that IOC spokesperson, but I will never watch another opening. Yeah, they won't miss my viewership. I didn't watch the whole thing anyway. I was so offended. I turned it off. But I am tuning in for those young men and women who have given their lives as young people, teenage years, to do everything they can to compete and represent their countries. I am concerned about them and I will watch for them, and I hope that they don't catch whatever it is that the IOC leadership has in France because it's a disease and it's hateful.

KAYLEIGH MCENANY (HOST): And it is about the athletes. You know, Kaylee, when I was watching, if you go watch the two hours in full, not just this moment, so let's say, you know, they say they didn't mean to intend — to offend with this moment. It kept flashing between beautiful faces of these athletes who have worked their whole lives to sexualized images, even putting this aside, that is not what this is about. The Olympics are iconic, historic and we celebrate athletes who have done this their whole lives, worked for this moment. This is not about making a political point.

KAYLEE MCGHEE WHITE (EDITOR, WASHINGTON EXAMINER): Right. And at best this could be a called a distraction from the true purpose of the Olympics which is to celebrate the athletes who are there and the countries who are involved. But worse, it is an insult to Christians. And I say this as a pastor's daughter, someone who holds my faith very deeply and, you know, the most shocking part of the ceremony is that I was not shocked by it at all. Because not only are the French rude and effeminate and we are used to this from them, but also we as Christians are so used to now being the laughingstock of the entire secular culture. This is so common nowadays. And you know, the bishop who made the point, would you do this to any other religion? We all know the answer. We know that they wouldn't. And we look at the past few years even here in the United States, and we look how secularism has made it very clear that it doesn't want any competition. We look at what is still happening to Colorado baker Jack Phillips, how he is still being persecuted in court for his beliefs. We think about the White House releasing a statement for the Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter Sunday of all days. There are so many examples of Christianity being the target. Christians need to wake up and realize what time it is.