Pat Robertson criticizes Trump for agreeing to be interviewed by Bob Woodward: “You talk about fake news, you're looking at it”
Robertson: “The one thing you don't do is give your enemy a club to hit you with just before an election”
From the September 10, 2020, edition of CBN's The 700 Club
PAT ROBERTSON (HOST): You remember the time when the Woodward and Bernstein went after Richard Nixon? Tried to drive him out of office. Well, it's still going on today. And it looks like Bob Woodward, who is an employee of the Washington Post, which has become one of the most rabid left-wing pieces -- and you get the Post and The New York Times together, and you talk about fake news, you're looking at it.
Well, the Trump sat down with the Bob Woodward, who he spent hours talking to and, I don't know, he said because I don't want to create a panic. And that's what President Trump says he downplayed the coronavirus threat to the American people. That admission is part of a series of interviews that Bob Woodward got with the president. But why did the president agree to talk with Woodward? And how might these discussions come back to haunt him? The one thing you don't do is give your enemy a club to hit you with just before an election.