Politico Should Ask Hosts About Lack of Women On Sunday Shows

Politico has a lengthy piece today decrying its perceived lack of women on the five big Sunday talk shows.

“Even as women have vaulted to be House speaker and hold a host of other influential positions on Capitol Hill, female lawmakers continue to be under-represented as guests on the Sunday shows,” the piece states. “According to research by American University's Women & Politics Institute, female lawmakers have composed 13.5 percent of the total Sunday show appearances by all representatives and senators this year”

The piece does not note Politico's ongoing promotion of the shows, which has included a video publicizing Meet the Press' new studio earlier this year and its weekly Turn the Table Sunday preview, in which Editor-in-Chief John Harris lets the hosts brag about their shows.

Why doesn't Harris ask the hosts about the lack of women if it is such an important issue for Politico?