Donald Trump told Fox he “agree[s]” with parts of the radical Project 2025 agenda. Which ones?

Former President Donald Trump said on Thursday that he supports parts of Project 2025, the far-right agenda authored by a slew of his former staffers under the auspices of the Heritage Foundation.

During a typically sycophantic phone interview, Fox & Friends co-host Brian Kilmeade asked Trump to respond to Democrats who “keep on tying you to Project 2025” and to give his opinion of the proposal itself. The former president responded by claiming both that he knows “nothing” about the nearly 900-page document and that he supports elements of it.

No one on Fox & Friends bothered to try to get Trump to reveal which parts of Project 2025 he thinks are “fine” and which parts he finds “absolutely ridiculous.” That’s not surprising — Fox in its current form shies away from discussing the unpopular elements of the GOP agenda in favor of providing propaganda to help Trump and his allies gain power so they can execute those policies.

But news outlets not dedicated to Trump’s political success owe it to their audiences to try to get Trump to identify which parts of Project 2025 he is willing to publicly support.

That extremist blueprint includes:

It’s unsurprising that Trump and his cronies would try to create some distance from that toxic document. But former Trump aides oversaw and authored the bulk of Project 2025; Trump previously celebrated implementing Heritage’s policy recommendations during his presidency and gushed over its “incredible” president, Kevin Roberts; and Heritage has bragged about its influence over him, while Roberts touted how the conservative movement had “unified” behind Project 2025 and authored a book featuring a foreword written by Trump’s running mate, Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance. 

There was little plausible daylight between Trump and Project 2025 — and now the Republican presidential nominee has opened the door to questions about which parts of the extremist agenda he supports.