President of a Project 2025 partner calls for abortion bans without any exception for rape
From the July 31, 2024, edition of Students for Life of America's The Explicitly Pro-Life Podcast
KRISTAN HAWKINS (HOST): Because we all know people lie to pollsters. Even people say, like, oh, if this law only had a rape exception I would have voted for it. Really? Would you have? Because our research found that most women have a parachute. One parachute in the back of their, you know, mind, they keep that even if they don't like abortion, even if they call themselves pro-life, they know that if something happened, they could always have one abortion.
And we’ve got to get rid of that back the mind option before we, yeah. No, it's been very frustrating because, my thought is, well, maybe the solution is get you, get women who've survived rape and are thriving now, who conceived, get their voices and their stories out, as opposed to putting, I mean, in Kentucky right now, pro-life legislators are trying to put, add a rape exception into their law. They're trying to add it in. I've never heard of pro-lifers trying to add in new laws to kill more babies.