Project 2025 partner organization president: “Another word for domestic extremism is someone who really loves their country and wants to support America”

Terry Schilling is the president of the American Principles Project

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Citation From the October 9, 2024, edition of Tea Party Patriots’ The Jenny Beth Show  

TERRY SCHILLING (AMERICAN PRINCIPLES PROJECT): A lot of this diversity, equity, inclusion stuff, it's not just used in the recruitment, but it's used in determining promotions. Right? Think about that. I mean, you know, the people at the top are only going to be promoting the people up from the bottom if they meet these diversity, equity, inclusion standards — which basically means that they have to be progressives in order to rise up in the military. And don't forget, Lloyd Austin and General Milley, they have talked about trying to, this is what they're broadcasting. Right?

There are things that they're broadcasting, and there are things that they aren’t telling everyone. But the things that they're broadcasting is that they're cracking down on domestic extremism in the military. Another word for domestic extremism is someone who really loves their country and wants to support America. Right?

The people that have MAGA hats, people that proudly fly the American flag, these are red flags for the people in our military leadership, and these are the people that they're not promoting. These are the people that they're not trying to recruit. They're avoiding them, and instead, they're choosing the people that are not extremely focused and in love with America and trying to promote it. Who is going to join the military, right, besides the people that are extremists in their support and defense of America? We want people who are extreme in their love and defense of America. What other definition — I mean, if you're willing to die and lay down your life for each other, like, that's a pretty extreme position to hold and extreme love for your country that you have.

And these are exactly the people that they're not promoting, the people that they want to get out of the military, that they don't want in the military. Instead, they want people that won't lay down their life for their country. That's insane. That is a recipe for disaster.