Fox & Friends Weekend hosts show support for anti-vaccine Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr. entering the presidential race
Fox host: “there are a lot of powerful forces that don't want (RFK Jr.) to get elected because he's been a truth-teller in many ways”
From the April 23, 2023, edition of Fox News' Fox & Friends Sunday
RACHEL CAMPOS-DUFFY (CO-HOST): This entry of RFK Jr. into this race is a real problem for Democrats, but it could also be a problem for Republicans should he become the nominee. And that's a big if, of course, but it's interesting, Will, you often talk about how the left and the right, kind of — there is a circle, a place where left and right actually meet — and I think for a lot of Americans it was during COVID where a lot of Republicans and conservatives who had more faith in corporations sort of lost that faith as they saw how horribly pharma and big government had colluded and in many ways to suppress information and take away people's rights. And then people on the left were also going wait a minute, we're health liberty people, we don't like being forced to take things. And a lot of them are old-school liberals who never trusted big pharma. There are a lot of powerful forces that don't want JFK to get elected because he's been a truth-teller in many ways.