David Brody and his producer implore women to embrace traditional gender roles and get married if they want to be happy
Brody and Anna Perez melt down in response to mass abortion rights marches across the country
From the October 4, 2021, edition of Real America's Voice's The Water Cooler
DAVID BRODY (HOST) And welcome to The Water Cooler, everybody, thanks for joining us, I'm David Brody. It's October 4, 2021, and women are so oppressed that this weekend they bravely took to the streets to protest for all the human rights they still don't have, which would be, wait for it – zero. Women literally have the same rights as men here in the United States of America. Why? Well, because for now, at least, we're a first-world Judeo-Christian nation, not Sharia law writ in Afghanistan.
But look, facts aside, the yearly Women's March still went off without a hitch, and we saw a whole lot of this — “Pro-choice, pro-vaxx, pro-equality. That is pro-life.” Yeah. You know what? You lost me at pro-abortion. That's not being pro-life. Duh. Of course, there was also the usual fair share of beta males, like this guy and this guy, who is literally wearing two masks. Well, that makes a whole lot of sense. So your concern is about spreading a virus with a less than 2 percent mortality rate while you support abortion, a procedure that kills tens of millions every year? OK. Trying to understand that one. And then there was this woman, who I think might be in the wrong country. I'm just going to assume she meant to go to Afghanistan, but took a wrong turn and ended up here. Oh, and then there's this woman who clearly hasn't read the Democrats' new abortion bill because safety is not exactly what comes to mind when you obliterate any and all state restrictions on abortion. Read up. I know what you're thinking. David, that's a lot of low-IQ individuals. And there's some truth to that.
But the issue here is a lot deeper than just lack of intellect. It's cyclical brainwashing. Take a look at these pictures, folks. These children are certainly far too young to know what reproduction is or what “smash the patriarchy” means. Yet here they are, being brainwashed from a young age to think that the modern feminist movement is right and anything else is wrong. Don't question it. Just accept it. And that's how it goes well into their teens and even, as you saw, into adulthood and every step of the way. The dominant narrative in the media and on college campuses is there to reinforce that message. And that's this: babies bad, career good, money is all that matters, abolish tradition. Don't even think about getting married and starting a family and being a stay-at-home mom. Please, might as well be on house arrest.
Well, guess what, leftists? You're not going to like this, but that is what you call the big lie. According to a study called The Paradox of Declining Female Happiness — that sounds like a good read — women are less happy nowadays, despite 40 years of feminism. Huh. The study said the same was true for women of different ages and whether or not they were married or had children. It also said the results appeared surprising, given that modern women had been liberated from their traditional 1950s role of housewife. Instead, their earning power has soared. Women are doing better than men in education, and they are in control of decisions over whether to start a family.
So women are doing better than ever in their education and career life. Yet they aren't particularly happy. So. Hmm. What's missing? Well, for many, perhaps marriage and tradition, because, according to the Berkeley University magazine called Greater Good, Berkeley — did you hear me? Berkeley — both men and women benefit from marriage. Here's a quote for you. “On average, married people report greater happiness later in life than unmarried people. Separated and divorced people tend to fall into a less-happy bucket, while the never-married and widowed falls someplace in between. Studies also report upticks in happiness in the lead-up to weddings and just after the so-called ‘honeymoon effect,’ though this benefit to happiness gradually wanes to slightly above pre-wedding levels over time. These positive effects on marriage on happiness are both are there for both women and men.” And you want some exact numbers? Let's do that, shall you? Shall we? Shall you, shall we? How about me? About 40 percent of married people say they are very happy, compared to about 20 percent of those who have never been married. Oh, and also about 20 percent for separated or divorced people as well.
But you know what? Let's take that a step further. The left wing's feminists are really going to hate this one. Hold on for this one. Turns out traditional gender roles in marriage specifically make women happier. I said it — quote — actually, they said it. A study by University of Virginia sociologist W. Bradford Wilcox and Steven L. Nock finds that the single most important factor in women's marital happiness is the level of their husband's emotional engagement. Hey, I've been married 33 years. I agree. Not money, the division of household chores, or other factors. The study also finds that women whose husbands earn the lion's share of income who don't work outside the home or who share a strong commitment to lifelong marriage with their husbands report the highest levels of marital happiness, in sharp contrast to academic conventional wisdom, according to the authors.Hmm almost like gender roles actually exist for a reason.
But lastly, I'd like to show you who isn't too excited to be alive at this time. Can we have a drum roll? Do we have that in the budget? Forget the drum roll. Anyhow, according to Psychology Today, listen to this, the least happy person – why am I laughing? This is horrible – is a female, 42 years old, unmarried, with no children, with a household income of under a hundred thousand dollars and in a professional position such as a doctor or a lawyer. Yeah. I would be miserable as well if I had all of that in my life, and all I had basically was myself. That would be a problem.
All right. So to wrap this up, I'd like to mention that obviously, as all with people in this, with all people in this country, women should and will always have the right to do what they want in life. Come on, folks, we know this, but why are we as a society lying to ourselves and why do we demonize the people that tell the truth? So now I'm suddenly a misogynist for pointing to a lifestyle that statistics say make people happier. Look, women are the pillars of our society. And for that, I would argue that their role is in many ways more important than men's, traditionally. They shape our future generations, they're active members of our community, and they protect our children from danger. All right. So look no further, for example, the Drag Queen Story Hour or the implementation of critical race theory.
We ask ourselves all the time, how did this happen? How did we get here? Well, this is how. The left lied and we as a society went along with it. We told women their role was unimportant and that they were useless unless they became like men. And guess what? They did, literally and figuratively, by the way, because, well, who wants to be deemed useless, right? Then we told men that they were useless because women could do it all, and thus the cowardly beta male, the man hell-bent on avoiding any responsibility in life in the name of feminism, was born. More, by the way, on how men gave rise in oxygen to radical feminism in a future monologue. And so here we are in 2021, telling people to throw away their chance at joy and happiness and ultimately biblical – a biblical lifestyle. And for what, exactly? A life hell-bent on satisfying the left's Marxist agenda instead of your own wishes. And joining me now, someone who is, I would say, I believe is an expert, if I'm not mistaken, as a female expert. Are you a female expert?
ANNA PEREZ (PRODUCER): I would call myself that. I've been one my entire life. So yes.
BRODY: That's right. Anna Perez, who I can confirm has been a female. Well, I can't confirm, you can confirm.
PEREZ: I can confirm, no gender transitioning here.
BRODY: All right, sounds good.
PEREZ: Probably never. Actually definitely never.
BRODY: All right, so, Anna, what do you make of these statistics? I mean, you've seen this — what's your sense of the women's movement today that we're seeing?
PEREZ: Well, I think you brought up a really important point, and that's that it's not just marriage that we should value as a society and that actually statistically, as you point out, makes both women and men happier. But it's traditional gender roles. That's the key phrase there that make us happier as a society. I mean, you can take away everything that it means to be a man or woman culturally or in our society that we have today. But ultimately, there's still going to be that innate inclination to be a certain way based off of our biological makeup. And I think that's what we're kind of dismissing a lot as our society progresses in the direction that the left wants us to.
BRODY: Yeah, it's like a nature verse nurture situation, for sure.
PEREZ: Exactly.
BRODY: What about this – I laughed when I said it — the unhappy person. I don't mean to laugh. I'm sorry. But the unhappy person, 42 years old, right? A woman who is unmarried, lawyer or doctor. Did that surprise you? Or what's your sense of the fact that this is what happens later in life?
PEREZ: Not at all. I mean, women are driven to reproduce. We want to be mothers. We want to have children. There's tons of other studies done on, you know, the happiness that children bring to your life and not just happiness, but because, you know, it's not always easy to raise a family, but it brings enrichment. And, you know, the Bible promotes this. It's biblically embedded in our society, and we've talked about this a lot before. But the more that we've strayed away from the Bible and our Judeo-Christian foundation of this country, the more we've seen us sort of accept these lies from the left.
And it's interesting because I think a lot of women know inherently that they themselves don't even want to live this lifestyle that they claim to advocate for. I mean, you see a lot of these women. I mean, I was in a sorority. I told you many times about this story, but you know, you would see them go to the Women's March. I went to school in D.C. and they'd be like, yeah, women's rights, this is awesome. And then 10 minutes later, they would be talking about how they want to marry a rich guy. Like, wow, I can't wait till I marry a rich guy. And I'm like, well, which do you want a traditional lifestyle where you're provided for? Or you want to be fat, blue-haired, make under a hundred thousand as a lawyer or a doctor because you're whatever degree you got was not actually as profitable as you thought. And actually not lawyer or doctor. But even worse, a lot of times they pursue fields like, you know, gender studies, which we see a lot of times is a waste of money.
BRODY: Yeah. Well, I can confirm as a man, I don't want to be fat and blue-haired. I just wonder.
PEREZ: Well it might happen.
BRODY: Well, thanks a lot. Thanks for having confidence in me. But you get to a point of people getting sucked into the social construct. I mean, that just seems like what's happening here. So why doesn't the – what is the – the left sees statistics. They're not stupid, as they remind us every day, by the way. So why basically don't they acknowledge these statistics and why are they fighting so like, hell-bent, if you will, against all of this?
PEREZ: Well, they're not stupid, at least not half of them, or at least a certain amount of them are not. And I think there is a part of them, there is a group that knows what they're doing and they are leading our country into a more Marxist direction. They want to see each other as these amorphous blobs. No gender, no nothing. No morals. Go have a one-night stand every weekend. It doesn't matter because it doesn't matter if you're a man or a woman. We all desire the same things. No, we don't. Newsflash. But that's how — that's part of the left, I guess, sees it.
And then they use the girls, like the sorority girls that are just looking to follow trends, that don't genuinely want to follow this lifestyle, but know that this is how they're going to be accepted. They use women like that and they're kind of the useful idiots in the equation, and not just sorority girls. That's just the example I'm using, but a lot of women who fall into this category that they kind of use to pull into their whole Marxist movement. And so then you see it sort of, before we know it, destroy everything that has made our culture great, everything that has made our lives great. And we looked at those statistics. People who are obviously single and don't have kids are much less happy than married people. And to your point, we all have access to these statistics. We can all see it. The left can see it. But I do genuinely believe there are people who are aware of this and are leading us purposefully in that direction.
BRODY: Yeah, for sure. Well, that's the thing. I mean, it seems to me like the Marxist, this has been kind of a plan from the beginning, this idea of collectivism, this idea of just getting feminists, you know, creating this feminist movement and in essence, having not people think for themselves. And instead, you have to kind of buy into the groupthink, if you will.
PEREZ: Yeah, absolutely. And I mean, that's all part of it. We want to be told that, what we're told as conservatives many times that it's wrong to even just question this. And that's sort of the whole censorship culture that we brought in here that's destroying all of this. The whole idea of you can't question everything. And that's how they've been able to function, because once you question it, you're a sexist, you're a misogynist, you're even a racist, to some degree, because again, this is all intersectional, as they like to call it. You can't be a feminist unless you support the Black Lives Matter movement, which is absolutely absurd knowing everything that we know about the Black Lives Matter movement. But yes, for sure. I mean, I think there's definitely the censorship culture that they've brought in has perpetuated that.
BRODY: Yeah. Talk to me before we let you go because you're so busy here at The Water Cooler because you do everything here, right? But let me ask you a little bit about, you've covered women the Women's March before. What was your experience there? And you know, it must have been kind of eye-opening. Or maybe it wasn't eye-opening. I don't know what some of your impressions were when you covered it.
PEREZ: Well, I was yelled at by several men, beta males, might I add. They all are, the ones that go there. But what really what this marches about isn't even about women. It's not about race or anything for that matter. It's just about at the time when I was covering it, Trump was president, so it was all about being anti-Trump, all but throwing right-wing like ideas or just not even right-wing, conservative ideas, out the window or anything that isn't extremely, extremely left. And these women, they don't know what they're talking about. I interviewed a lot of them. They didn't know it was going on. I actually specifically interviewed them about Louis Farrakhan's connection to it. They didn't even know who he was most of the time. So these are people again who are just blindly following their leaders, the people who do want to see the destruction of this country and clearly have no idea what they're supporting.
BRODY: Which is really interesting. Critical theory, we always talk about critical theory and critical race theory, but you know, it's the feminists within the movement – so-called feminists – that really need to think for themselves to be more critical of what is being espoused within the movement themselves.
PEREZ: And, you know, so-called feminist is a very key phrase there because I would consider us feminists, not the modern-day feminists.
BRODY: Well, that's right. That's exactly right. See, I just bought into the social construct.