David Bossie resurfaced on MSNBC's Scarborough Country

David N. Bossie -- the discredited former Republican congressional staffer and longtime Clinton-basher -- made his second appearance in eight days on MSNBC's Scarborough Country, this time as a guest of substitute host (and MSNBC analyst) Pat Buchanan. During his June 2 MSNBC appearance, Bossie claimed that the reemergence of former President Bill Clinton -- and the publicity surrounding Clinton's forthcoming book, My Life -- will have a negative impact on Senator John Kerry's presidential campaign: “Bill Clinton sucks all of the air out of John Kerry's parade. If I was John Kerry, I would be extremely incensed that his book is being timed in this manner.”

As Media Matters for America reported on May 28, though Bossie has been excoriated by fellow Republicans Newt Gingrich, Representative Dan Burton (R-IN), and former President George H. W. Bush, he has been given a forum by The Washington Times, FOX News Channel, and MSNBC to promote his new book Intelligence Failure: How Clinton's National Security Policy Set the Stage for 9/11, published by conservative imprint WorldNetDaily Books (WND Books).

On May 20, Media Matters for America noted that Bossie was fired in 1998 from his job as chief investigator for the House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight -- which was investigating alleged Clinton White House campaign finance abuses -- for his role in releasing selectively edited transcripts of former Clinton administration official Webster Hubbell's prison conversations.