On the March 23 edition of Fox News' Your World, host Neil Cavuto interviewed Rep. Ron Lewis (R-KY) regarding a recent statement Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) made about an immigration bill passed by the U.S. House of Representatives in December 2005. During the interview, Cavuto asked Lewis: "[I]f Jesus were to come back today, would he like Republicans or Democrats more?" Lewis replied: “Jesus is neither Republican or Democrat, or for that matter, any particular national creed. God loves all people.”
Recently, Clinton sharply criticized the House immigration bill for criminalizing offers of aid to illegal immigrants, describing it as "mean spirited" and inconsistent with Republican talk “about values and about faith.” She asserted that "[i]t is certainly not in keeping with my understanding of the Scriptures, because this bill would literally criminalize the Good Samaritan and probably even Jesus himself."
Throughout the Your World interview, an onscreen text read: “Hillary: Jesus Wants Illegal Immigrants in America?”

From the March 23 edition of Fox News' Your World with Neil Cavuto:
CAVUTO: What do you think Congressman, if Jesus were to come back today, would he like Republicans or Democrats more?
LEWIS: Jesus is neither Republican or Democrat, or for that matter, any particular national creed. God loves all people. He wants the best for all people. But God also gave us, in this world, laws and authorities that the apostle Paul said -- authorities to guide and direct the citizens, and it's us -- up to us to be good citizens and to make sure that our -- our citizens are protected.