Associated Press identified as an “immigration-focused Web magazine” -- not noting that it publishes “white nationalists”

In an April 28 article, the Associated Press identified right-wing website only as an “immigration-focused Web magazine,” even though the site publishes the work of “white nationalists,” according to its editor. The AP also failed to note that VDARE writer Bryanna Bevens, whom the article quoted, has made disparaging remarks about Hispanics, in which she advocated the creation of “National Hispanic Crime Prevention Month,” and warned of “Mexico's conquest of the United States.”

In an April 28 Associated Press article, Hispanic affairs writer Laura Wides-Munoz identified right-wing website only as an “immigration-focused Web magazine,” even though the site publishes the work of "white nationalists," according to its editor. The AP also failed to note that VDARE writer Bryanna Bevens, whom the article quoted, has made disparaging remarks about Hispanics, in which she advocated the creation of “National Hispanic Crime Prevention Month,” and warned of “Mexico's conquest of the United States.”

Wides-Munoz included a quote from Bevens in her article, which described the negative reaction of some Americans to a recently released Spanish-language rendition of The Star-Spangled Banner:

Bryanna Bevens of Hanford, Calif., who writes for the immigration-focused Web magazine, said the remix particularly upset her.

“It's very whiny. If you want to say all those things, by all means, put them on your poster board, but don't put them on the national anthem,” she said.

But as Media Matters for America noted, is more than an “immigration-focused Web magazine.” Named for Virginia Dare, the first child of English descent born in the New World in the 16th century, the site publishes the work of “white nationalists,” according to a statement by Peter Brimelow, who operates through his nonprofit organization, the Center for American Unity. In 2003, the Southern Poverty Law Center added to its list of hate websites. VDARE's FAQ page contains three links -- one that leads to an explanation of its name and two that offer instructions on how to report an illegal alien. A search for the word “white” on VDARE returns articles with headlines such as "Do White Men Need Their Own Political Party?," "Harvard Hates The White Race?," "White Americans: Second-Class Citizens," and "No Democracy For Whites In The New America."

In Bevens' regular columns for the site, she has made disparaging remarks about Hispanics. In a September 29, 2004, column titled “How about 'National Hispanic Crime Prevention Awareness Month'?,” Bevens noted that “Hispanic Heritage Month ... coincides with National Crime Prevention Month,” adding that "[t]his quirky happenchance led me to explore the possibility of a new and, well, corollary awareness month." Later in the column, she wrote:

Hispanic heritage and their [sic] contribution to American culture might be something worth celebrating, I don't know. I'm too concerned with what they have contributed American culture by way of crime--starting with their first: the crime of illegal entry.

Hispanics should realize (and some of them do) that illegal immigration harms Hispanic heritage.

If they support the effort to remedy this problem, they won't need a Hispanic Heritage awareness month.

In a May 28, 2005, column, Bevens also called immigration legislation proposed by Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) and co-sponsored by Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) “a plan that, with a bit of luck, should complete Mexico's conquest of the United States by the end of the decade.” She continued:

A merger made in heaven, I imagine San Diego will look exactly like Tijuana but with workman's comp, subsidized housing, and penicillin.

Oh wait, that is what San Diego looks like now.

Additionally, as Media Matters also noted, has published the work of Kevin MacDonald, who appeared as a character witness for David Irving in Britain in 2000, when Irving unsuccessfully sued a Holocaust studies professor for calling him a Holocaust denier. In a November 5, 2005, review of Yuri Slezkine's book The Jewish Century (Princeton University Press, 2004), MacDonald wrote:

Slezkine also ignores the extent to which Jewish competition may have suppressed -- arguably sometimes reversed -- the formation of a native middle class in Eastern Europe. He seems instead to simply assume the locals lacked the abilities required.

But the fact is that in most of Western Europe Jews were expelled in the Middle Ages. And, as a result, when modernization occurred, it was accomplished with an indigenous middle class. Perhaps the Christian taxpayers of England made a good investment in their own future when they agreed to pay King Edward I a massive tax of £116,346 in return for expelling 2000 Jews in 1290. If, as in Eastern Europe, Jews had won the economic competition in most of these professions, there might not have been a non-Jewish middle class in England.