Labor Protesters Chant “Fox Lies,” “Tell The Truth” During Live Fox Reports
Protesters Shout “Fox Lies” During Live Report From WI Capitol. On the February 18 edition of Your World, protesters chanted “Fox lies” during correspondent Jeff Flock's live report on the labor protests from the Wisconsin Capitol building. During the segment, guest host Chris Cotter stated, “Well, I'll tell you, Jeff, those folks protesting Fox -- I'm wondering if they would prefer a state-run television network providing all the coverage.” [Fox News, Your World, 2/18/11]
Protesters Chant “Tell The Truth” During Live Segment From Madison, WI. On the February 21 edition of The Fox Report, labor protesters chanted “tell the truth” throughout correspondent Mike Tobin's live report on the protests from Madison, WI. [Fox News, The Fox Report, 2/21/11]
Protesters Interrupt Live Fox Interview With Chants Of “Tell The Truth.” On the February 21 edition of Your World, labor protesters in Madison interrupted guest host Stuart Varney's live interview with Brett Healy of the conservative MacIver Institute. Varney later interviewed Healy via telephone while footage of a protester holding a sign saying, “Fox News will lie about this,” aired:

[Fox News, Your World, 2/21/11]
Fox Aired “Fox News Lies” Protest Sign. During a report by Mike Tobin on the February 21 edition of Special Report, a protester held a sign stating, “Fox News lies!”:

[Fox News, Special Report, 2/21/11]