Infowars’ Alex Jones, an ally to President Donald Trump and infamous conspiracy theorist, regularly attacks the LGBTQ community -- particularly the transgender community -- on his show. Jones has used derogatory terms like “cocksucker” and “tranny,” blamed the LGBTQ community for the massacre of nearly 50 queer people and allies at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, FL, and said marriage equality would lead to “the breakdown of the family.”

Sarah Wasko / Media Matters
How Alex Jones attacks the LGBTQ community
Infowars' Alex Jones repeatedly asserts that he is “not against gay people.” He has a long track record indicating otherwise.
Written by Brennan Suen
Alex Jones has viciously disparaged LGBTQ people and regularly goes on anti-trans rants
Alex Jones hurled anti-transgender slurs while attacking Michelle Obama, suggested she was “adjusting” her “package” in a video. During the August 25 edition of his show, Alex Jones hurled the anti-transgender slur “tranny” at former first lady Michelle Obama, echoing comments made by the late actress Joan Rivers that former President Barack Obama is gay and his wife is transgender. Jones also seemed to imply that the Obamas may have had Rivers killed before airing video footage of the Obamas and speculating whether Michelle Obama had a penis: “You decide, what is this hanging between her legs jiggling and flopping around? Here it is. She's adjusting it. I mean I've seen men my whole life, myself, adjust their packages.” From the episode:
ALEX JONES (HOST): This is video shot by one of their fans where [Michelle Obama] looks like she's either got a rubber snake in her pants or she is -- could be a major porn star in Hollywood, OK? And I'm not putting trannies down. So, here's the deal. Joan Rivers said this and died, and none of the media will even cover that she had dinner with the Obamas. She was friends with them, and she was all for it, saying it's great that Obama's gay and that he's got a tranny wife. And it's a big joke on America. And then she died, but they don't ever show in the reports that I'm saying Joan Rivers said it. I was never sure. It was kind of a joke to me. I never created it. But now, there's footage they're trying to pull off the internet where, I guess, she didn't tuck it between her legs or whatever, like right out of The Silence of the Lambs.
Look, see it for yourself. Here's the footage. It's going to go to number one on YouTube. If they try to take it down, you know it's the end of free speech, because I'm covering what people are already covering, and here comes Michelle Obama walking like a man, looking like a linebacker, way bigger than Obama, big hands, big head, and man, I guess she's a devil then. Maybe it's a forked tail that's six inches long. That's it. Michelle Obama is a devil. I've already made the joke about Obama, but maybe it isn't, maybe it's a little forked tail. You decide, what is this hanging between her legs jiggling and flopping around? Here it is. Slow it down. She's adjusting it. I mean, I've seen men my whole life, myself, adjust their packages. [Genesis Communications Network, The Alex Jones Show, 8/25/17]Jones has previously said President Obama married “a man” (Michelle Obama) because he's “obsessed with transgender” rights. On May 16, 2016, Jones claimed that Michelle Obama is really “a man” and that President Obama entered into a “completely fake” “arranged marriage” with her because he is “obsessed with transgender” rights. Jones said: “I think it’s all an arranged marriage, it’s all completely fake, and it’s this big sick joke because he’s obsessed with transgender, just like some weird cult or something. I think Michelle Obama is a man. I really do. I really do. I believe it.” [Right Wing Watch, 5/17/16; Infowars, 5/16/16]
Jones said Rep. Adam Schiff “looks like the archetypal cocksucker” and called him a “fairy” before threatening to “beat [his] goddamn ass.” During a March 30 YouTube rant, Jones asserted that he is “not against gay people” before saying Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) “looks like the archetypal cocksucker” and calling him a “fairy” and a “son of a bitch.” Jones later threatened to “beat” Schiff’s “goddamn ass” and concluded that he is “sucking globalist dick.” From the video:
ROGER STONE: What we’re hearing from the Democrats both in the House and Senate is red-baiting --
ALEX JONES (HOST): That’s on Drudge.
STONE: -- fearmongering. It is well beyond the point of recklessness, whether it is [Rep.] Adam Schiff [(D-CA)], who has maligned me, or whether it is Sen. Mark Warner [(D-VA)] or whether it is Sen. John McCain [(R-AZ)]. But let me tell you something, Alex, these guys are pussies. They talk a tough game. “We’re going to get Roger Stone in front of the committee.” Gentlemen, ladies, I am ready, I am more than ready --
JONES: In fact, let me say this right now. Let me tell -- I’m not against gay people. OK? I love them, they’re great folks. But Schiff looks like the archetypal cocksucker with those little deer-in-the-headlight eyes and all his stuff. And there’s something about this fairy, hopping around, bossing everybody around, trying to intimidate people like me and you. I want to tell Congressman Schiff and all the rest of them, “Hey listen, asshole, quit saying Roger and I” -- and I’ve never used cussing in 22 years but the gloves are off -- “listen you son of a bitch, what the fuck’s your problem? You want to sit here and say that I’m a goddamn fucking Russian? You get in my face with that I’ll beat your goddamn ass, you son of a bitch. You piece of shit. You fucking goddamn fucker. Listen, fuckhead, you have fucking crossed a line. Get that through your goddamn fucking head. Stop pushing your shit. You’re the people that have fucked this country over and gang raped the shit out of it and lost an election. So stop shooting your mouth off claiming I’m the enemy. You got that, you goddamn son of a bitch? Fill your hand.” I’m sorry, but I’m done. You start calling me a foreign agent, those are fucking fighting words. Excuse me.
STONE: Yeah, I don’t think I have ever been in a campaign in which we disparage the patriotism of our opponents. Now, I’m not going to go there. But I think Adam Schiff has acted irresponsibly and I think he needs to be confronted with his exact words.
JONES: He’s sucking globalist dick. [YouTube, 3/30/17]Jones said that accepting transgender people is a slippery slope to “brain chips.” Jones went on an anti-transgender rant filled with conspiracy theories during the August 7 edition of his show, saying that allowing transgender people in the military was a step “ahead of the robots replacing everybody, which is all admitted.” Jones continued, “And then when you accept the trannies and the sex changes, well, you’ll accept the brain chips and everything else, which they’re now admitting.” Jones also used the anti-trans slur “tranny” and characterized transgender rights as “the right to be transmutantagenic, to end your humanity, because that’s the biological revolution.” From the episode:
ALEX JONES (HOST): What do you think the tranny stuff's about? First it’s, “Oh be nice to gay people in the military. Don't be mean to them.” Sounds reasonable. Now, boom! It’s trannies! And let's teach sex changes, and give it to anybody you want in the military, and turn it into a giant factory of confusion that will sabotage human operations in the military -- ahead of the robots replacing everybody, which is all admitted. And then when you accept the trannies and the sex changes, well, you’ll accept the brain chips and everything else, which they're now admitting. They simply set a new goal post that sounds incredibly radical so that you'll accept everything else they were already pushing behind that. And then they can persecute the military and persecute one of the only human cultures left -- the male culture of war and defense -- and so they can go in and social engineer and take control of that. While they steal from the public all of our basic rights, they give you the right to be transmutantagenic, to end your humanity, because that's the biological revolution. [Genesis Communications Network, The Alex Jones Show, 8/7/17]
Jones pushed a conspiracy theory that the government is trying to “encourage homosexuality with chemicals so that people don't have children.” During a 2010 edition of his show, Jones said that being gay is a “destructive lifestyle, but I don't hate these people. But the reason there's so many gay people now is because it's a chemical warfare operation. I have the government documents where they said they're going to encourage homosexuality with chemicals so that people don't have children.” Jones went on to use a juice box to explain his theory of how chemicals are being used to make people gay. [Genesis Communications Network, The Alex Jones Show, 6/11/10, via Media Matters]
Jones blamed the LGBTQ community for the Orlando massacre: “I charge the LGBT community in general with endangering America and with the blood” of the victims. Jones blamed “the LGBT community” for the June 2016 massacre at a gay nightclub in Orlando, FL, where nearly 50 LGBTQ people and their allies were killed. Jones said: “I charge the left and I charge Obama and I charge the LGBT community in general with endangering America and with the blood of these 50-plus innocent men and women who did not deserve to die, who did not deserve to have bullets fired into them and all the other hundreds of thousands of other liberals and gays and others in the Middle East that have been murdered in the last five years under the Al Qaeda/ISIS onslaught that our government and CNN has pushed and said is a good thing.” [Right Wing Watch, 6/13/16]
Jones compared a pregnant transgender man to a “50-foot, red, purple, striped giraffe” that gives “birth to leprechauns.” On the August 2 edition of his show, Jones said he has been characterized as a “homophobe” -- which he disputed -- before going on another anti-trans rant, during which he repeatedly attacked news reports about a transgender man who got pregnant and misgendered the man. Jones called it “magic talk” and compared being a pregnant transgender man to being a “50-foot, red, purple, striped giraffe” that “give[s] birth to leprechauns.” From the episode:
ALEX JONES (HOST): They got the headlines, “Jones is a homophobe.” Why right here, he said that a man that had a baby wasn't a man. Because it said it was a woman that thought she was a man that then got pregnant. She's a woman! You don't put a blue bow on a whale that's a male and say it's a female. You don't look at a male walrus and say it's a female or vice versa. You don't have a female walrus saying she's a male. I mean this is mental illness, but then they sit there and look at it and they say, “No you're crazy. Look how crazy Jones is, he said this woman that thought she was a man had a baby,” but they said this man did have a baby. This man is a -- was a woman that identifies as a man. It's like magic talk. I'm a 20-foot giraffe with purple spots, and when I go to the bathroom, Lucky Charms comes out, golden rainbows. I'm a 50-foot, red, purple, striped giraffe, and when I go to the bathroom, I give birth to leprechauns. And if you don't agree to that, you're insane, you're crazy, because I control things. I'm magical. [Genesis Communications Network, The Alex Jones Show, 8/2/17]
Jones accused transgender women of being gay men who want “to go pick up more guys” by getting breast implants and dolling up their hair. In one of his frequent anti-trans rants, Jones used the slur “tranny” and said that transgender women may be gay men who want “to go pick up more guys” by getting “breast implants” and trying to “doll [their] hair up.” Jones also said that being transgender is “mass mental illness … like the South Park piece where he thinks he’s a dolphin.” From the July 10 edition of his show:
ALEX JONES (HOST): We've got just insanity in this hour, into the next. We've got British man, 21, makes history by giving birth to baby daughter. When I read the headline in AP, Reuters, The Sun, I said, it'll be a woman that thinks she's a man that had a baby. And sure enough, it was. Because they haven't produced artificial wombs that work properly. They still got to use cows to grow humanoids and clones. So, it's a woman that thinks she's a man that had sex with a man. She had a baby, but they say it's a man. It's fraud! It's not that I hate mentally ill people. I mean, if somebody wants to go be a woman or be a tranny, if it's a gay guy and wants to go pick up more guys, you want to go get breast implants and doll your hair up, knock yourself out. I'm all for freedom. But if you really think you're a man, and you're a woman, and you go and have a baby -- now let's show the baby bump -- and the media runs with it that a man had a baby -- no, a woman had a baby. A woman had a baby. A woman had a baby. A woman! A woman! A woman! Just like male and female whales, male and female rabbits, male and female praying mantises, male and female bats, male and female tigers. [Unintelligible] This is mass mental illness saying that you're biologically a man when you're a woman and you've got a uterus. Again, it's like the South Park piece where he thinks he's a dolphin. [Genesis Communications Network, The Alex Jones Show, 7/10/17]
Jones attacked national security adviser H.R. McMaster by suggesting that he’s gay and a “leather daddy.” During the May 16 edition of his show, Jones called Trump’s national security adviser H.R. McMaster “a leather daddy” and implied that he is gay, saying, “He looks like he could suck a golf ball through a garden hose.” [Genesis Communications network, The Alex Jones Show, 5/16/17]
Jones asserted that rights for transgender people will lead to them “vomiting and crapping all over the place.” In 2013, Jones warned that transgender equality would mean that transgender people will go into bathrooms “hopped out of their brain on drugs, vomiting and crapping all over the place.” From the April 30 edition of his show:
ALEX JONES (HOST): I dealt at Access TV with a famous Austin transvestite, who died a few years ago, who they're talking about building a statue to, going in the bathroom, men and women, and vomiting all over the walls when they would do whatever they were doing in there. I mean, I'm talking about several transvestites cramming their way into the men's bathroom, the women's bathroom. You'd go in there to comb your hair before you went on air, there they were. And they finally got thrown out of there because of it and said it was because of discrimination because they were transvestites. No. It was because whatever they were injecting in there made them throw up all over -- I mean, imagine every week throw-up all over the walls. And then I had an office by this guy. The bad luck is I had an office where we would look down, turned out he lived around the block, and I would have to watch him every day in the cheerleader outfit, through my office window, on the air, doing deals and stuff in cars and stumbling around everywhere. And then I'm not a trendy because I don't bow down. I had to go in the store, there was a grocery store next door, [...] you know with crap dripping down his leg, stinking. And I'm supposed to just go, “Oh, you're a trendy with rotten teeth hanging out of your head, and a weird bald head, you're in a dress. Here, here, here, here, please, please more, more diarrhea running down your leg.”
I don't want my daughters growing up in a country where some transvestite comes walking into the thing hopped out of their brain on drugs, vomiting and crapping all over the place. [Genesis Communications, The Alex Jones Show, 4/30/13, via Media Matters]Jones claimed that marriage equality would lead to “the breakdown of the family.” The Southern Poverty Law Center noted that during a 2013 exchange, Jones asserted that though people “have the right to do what they want as long as it doesn't hurt others,” the “globalist[s]” are encouraging same-sex marriage because they “want to encourage the breakdown of the family, because the family is where people owe their allegiance. That's why they want to get rid of God. Not because they're atheists, but because they want the state to be God. And so they are taking the rights of an ancient, unified program of marriage and they are breaking it. So it's a major revolution, and they're destroying the dictionary and the definition. And now they're on television in the U.S. saying, by the way, now your kids belong to the state.” [Southern Poverty Law Center, accessed 8/8/17]
Jones asserted that “trannymania” will lead to “the collapse of civilization” and “destruction of the family.” Jones claimed that equality for transgender people, which he called “trannymania,” is actually “the collapse of civilization” and “the destruction of the family.” Jones continued, “It has nothing to do with somebody’s sexual preference. It is about messing with everyone and making everyone adopt this particular lifestyle.” [Genesis Communications Network, The Alex Jones Show, 11/4/15]
Jones floated a conspiracy theory that elites want to “take heterosexuals’ kids and give them to the gay couples.” Jones warned during a June 2013 program that global elites are going to “take heterosexuals’ kids -- they’re hunting us -- and give them to the gay couples. That’s what goes on.” Jones later warned that gangs of gay men are going to go door to door so they can “rape you.” [YouTube, 6/26/13]