CNN's Rick Santorum: “I'd be very surprised if Donald Trump's going to ask any more foreign powers to get involved”
From the January 31, 2020, edition of CNN's The Impeachment Trial of Donald J. Trump:
JAKE TAPPER (ANCHOR): I think what some people are concerned about is what precedent does this set? This -- I don't think that you, as president or a senator, would ever do this -- would ever ask a foreign power to help you in an election by --
RICK SANTORUM (SENIOR POLITICAL COMMENTATOR): I'd be very surprised if Donald Trump's going to ask any more foreign powers to get involved --
TAPPER: But, why do you say that?
SANTORUM: Well, because there's a price -- he paid a huge price here.
JENNIFER PSAKI (CONTRIBUTOR): You should not be surprised. He had this call with the Ukrainian president the day after [special counsel Robert] Mueller testified. He went out on the White House lawn and made an offer to the Chinese. I think it's very clear.
SANTORUM: Do you really believe that Ukraine announcing an investigation of Joe Biden would have any material effect on this election? The answer is absolutely not. Absolutely not.