From the April 13 edition of WIOD's Fernand R. Amandi:
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ROGER STONE: Just to be very clear, I wrote with great documentation for the Daily Caller, which is not an obscure website, documenting the fact that Mark Levin is a paid shill for Ted Cruz. He’s a whore. He’s being paid cash money through a book deal for his support for Cruz. This is also true of Glenn Beck. Now I understand cockroaches run when you put the light of day on them. Mark Levin is a cockroach. He attacks me on the air but he won’t let me respond. He attacked me for being a Nixon Republican. That’s right, Mark. A Nixon Republican. Nixon saved Israel, your beloved Israel, single-handedly in the 1973 Yom Kippur War. Dick Nixon saved Israel. So, you know, give me the chance to respond. Seriously, Mark Levin is a worm, he’s a paid-for agent, he is a prostitute, and he is being remunerated for his support for Cruz, just to be clear.