On YouTube, Rudy Giuliani justifies mob violence: “A lot of responsibility comes from the people that are imposing the suppression”
Giuliani: “It was quite surprising to me that it was so few people”
From the January 8. 2021, edition of War Room: Pandemic
RUDY GIULIANI (GUEST): Most of them hadn't come there with implements to do it and also led on by people from, you know, groups that are experts at it. Believe me, Trump people were not scaling the wall. So there's nothing to it that he incited anything. And also there's equal if not more responsibility on the fascists who now running the Democrat Party, who have imposed censorship on these people, who have been singling them out for unfair treatment since the IRS started going after conservative groups.
The media may deny it, but those people know it. They know their freedom of religion is being taken away. They know their freedom of speech is virtually decimated.
You keep being told you can't say there was fraud. They know there was fraud. Probably half of those people there observed it. And then they have phonies get up and say there's no fraud. It's like hearing someone saying they didn't rob your home and they did rob your home and they took all your belongings. So are they angry? Of course they're angry. They're very, very angry. And I think in light of that, the mere fact that 99.9% of them did nothing but act appropriately is a credit to them. The responsibility here has to be put also on the left, who has conducted a reign of terror all this year.
So a lot of responsibility comes from the people that are imposing the suppression. It's like the kind of thing that happens in a government where people are suppressed; they rise up. And given that, it was quite surprising to me that it was so few people, that the consequences were terrible. And there were no doubt that there were professionals and activists that were helping to make it worse.
STEVE BANNON (HOST): But you're not trying to justify it. There's no way to justify the violence.