Former Rush Limbaugh producer gushes over similarities between Tucker Carlson and Limbaugh
James Golden “Some of the characteristics that you loved about Rush Limbaugh, you have to love about this man”
Former Rush Limbaugh producer gushes over similarities between Tucker Carlson and Limbaugh
From the September 9, 2022, edition of WABC’s Rush Hour with Bo Snerdly
JAMES GOLDEN: I mean this sincerely for everybody in this audience, and I know there are so many of you who miss Rush Limbaugh and I know why you miss Rush, because to him, to us, to the ditto heads, there was nobody like him ever and will never. But let me tell you something, some of the characteristics that you loved about Rush Limbaugh, you have to love about this man that you're gonna hear from shortly.
Fearless. He is fearless. He will take on the topics that no one else really wants to delve into because they're afraid of the controversy and the blowback. He is an enemy of the mainstream liberal press. They do everything they can to try to dehumanize him and to demean him, and it is all lies and they do it on a regular basis because they cannot stand that he is so effective at what he does. And above all of that, his journalistic integrity is amazing. This is a man who always is prepared when he opens his mouth, when he does a story, but above all of that he is a decent decent wonderful human being.
Tucker Carlson is with us. Hi, Tucker.