Russ Vought: “The whole notion of an independent agency should be thrown out”
Vought: “You can apply the concept of destroying independence at every agency”
From the November 18, 2024, edition of The Tucker Carlson Show on The Tucker Carlson Network
RUSS VOUGHT (GUEST): I believe that there's a lot of policy issues downstream — the border, inflation, wars across the world — all of them are downstream of one reality, and that is, we don't -- the American people currently are not in control of their government and the President hasn't been either. And so, we have to solve that. We have to solve the woke and the weaponized bureaucracy and have the President take control of the executive branch.
So my belief, for anyone who wants to listen, is that you have to — the President has to move executively as fast, and as aggressively as possible, with a radical constitutional perspective to be able to dismantle that bureaucracy and their power centers. And I think there are a couple of ways to do it.
Number one is going after the whole notion of independence. There are no independent agencies. Congress may have viewed them as such — SEC, or the FCC, CFPB, the whole alphabet soup — but that is not something that the Constitution understands. So there may be different strategies with each one of them about how you dismantle them, but as an administration, the whole notion of an independent agency should be thrown out. Particularly with the Department of Justice, in which there's literally no law. All it is is precedent from the Watergate era that the Attorney General and those lawyers don't work for the President.
TUCKER CARLSON (HOST): Well, who do they work for?
VOUGHT: They think that they work for themselves. They think that they are —
CARLSON: So they have the power to kill people just because they awarded themselves that power? They have the power to kill people.
VOUGHT: They believe that they have the power for all of the prosecutions and that the President doesn't get a say in any of that. And that — we have to go at that as hard as we possibly can.
VOUGHT: You can apply the concept of destroying independence at every agency.