Daily Wire host: “Does Vladimir Putin have a point?”
Michael Knowles: “This guy is basically eating our lunch right now here in the West. How is he doing that?”
From the February 23, 2022 edition of Verdict with Ted Cruz, posted to YouTube
MICHAEL KNOWLES (CO-HOST): This raises this question which is — forgive me, I'm just being the devil's advocate here. Does Vladimir Putin have a point? He made his grand speech giving the pretext for war in Ukraine. And he made a ton of historical claims, a ton of political claims. He made a ton of security claims about Russia, those were basically the three facets of the speech. And it is mind boggling that this two-bit leader of a backwater former super power that is now just a petrol state that's basically surviving on whether gas and energy prices are above a certain threshold — that this guy is basically eating our lunch right now here in the West. How is he doing that?
SENATOR TED CRUZ: Well he's doing it because of presidential weakness.