Fox News guest boasts that war in Ukraine is a “unique opportunity” to sell American energy
K.T. McFarland: “The Ukraine invasion is terrible for Ukraine, but could be good for the United States and the rest of the world.”
From the February 25, 2022, edition of Fox News' America's Newsroom
BILL HEMMER (FOX NEWS ANCHOR): So, in the meantime, price of oil over 100 bucks a barrel. First time we've seen that since 2014. What happened that year? [Russian president Vladimir] Putin went into Ukraine. Average now $3.57, up from $2.68 a year ago. You are paying for that. K.T. McFarland, former deputy national security advisor. K.T., good morning to you down there in Florida. I want to ask you a question here about Beijing and what they are observing here. But just, on this question about energy, it came up yesterday at the briefing. It was not directly asked of the president, as I recall. Do you see any wavering in their energy or oil policy? Or, are we stuck with what we've got?
K.T. MCFARLAND (FORMER TRUMP DEPUTY NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER): Well, I think we're stuck with what we've got, until things get even worse. The great tragedy, Bill, is this is a unique opportunity. The Ukraine invasion is terrible for Ukraine, but could be good for the United States and the rest of the world. Here is why. It will show Europe they should not be beholden to Russian energy. It comes with way too many strings attached: Politics, economics, and the vulnerability that Europe has if Russia decides to shut it down, to punish Russia [sic] let's say for example if they wanted to support Ukraine. Far better for the Europeans to buy American energy. It is clean, it's cheap; liquefied natural gas. In the past, Europeans have been reluctant. I think it's ready to help them change their minds.