Fox News’ Mark Levin and Sarah Palin suggest Dominion computers are being used as part of a “fraud and abuse” scheme in Alaska
Levin: “These systems are really built for fraud and abuse”
Fox News’ Mark Levin and Sarah Palin suggest Dominion computers are being used as part of a “fraud and abuse” scheme in Alaska

From the May 4, 2022, edition of Westwood One's The Mark Levin Show
SARAH PALIN: I think there are about fifty candidates in this race. It's a real bizarre race --
MARK LEVIN (HOST): Did you say fifty?
PALIN: Fifty. And Mark, you'll just really appreciate this. It's mail-in only ballots. No hand counting to tabulate, got to go through a Dominion computer to count everything.
And I -- like, yesterday, Mark, I received four ballots in the mail. I didn't even ask for any ballots. One for one of the daughters who doesn't live here. She hasn't claimed residency in Alaska since she moved outside -- we call anything outside of Alaska "outside."
LEVIN: Are you trying to say Murkowski?
PALIN: Well, you know who wrote this bizarre election plan that we have right now, going on with the ranked choice voting coming up and this mail-in only ballots and all that was Lisa Murkowski's attorneys.
PALIN: Oh, this is the other bizarre thing though, Mark. So everybody's voting right now in Alaska. Ballots are pouring in even though people aren't asking for the ballots, but they're being mailed to everybody. The election isn't until June eleventh, but you vote now, and then I guess, what you got like six weeks of wasting donor's money, campaigning trying to woo people who've already voted. It's a bizarre system up here.
LEVIN: Yeah, and when you vote that early, something could happen in a week or two or three and it's too late, you already voted. You can't take your ballot back.
These systems are really built for fraud and abuse, and so forth and so on.