Hannity And Trump Campaign Manager Don't Want The FBI Diverting Resources To Clinton Emails Before Election

Sean Hannity: “It's Not Like James Comey Can Put Every FBI Official He Has On This Case, For, You Know, The Next Five Days, And Report Back To The American People”

From the October 31 edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show:

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SEAN HANNITY (HOST): You know, it's pretty amazing to watch what is unfolding now. For most people, they don't even understand that they had to get a court order last night, to actually begin the process of looking through what now -- it is reported to be 650,000 emails.

So, it's not like James Comey can put every FBI official he has on this case, for, you know, the next five days, and report back to the American people.

KELLYANNE CONWAY: Well, that's right Sean. And by the way, why do we as taxpayers want that, those types of resources diverted just to mollify Hillary Clinton?

Can we stop also calling this a Comey problem, or an email server problem? It is a pay for play corruption problem. Let's not go off on all these rabbit holes the Democrats want us to go, that it's Jim Comey's fault, that it's the email server's fault, that it -- it is Hillary Clinton's fault. We would not be having this conversation, but for her very selfish Hillary-first ways.


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