On Fox News, Sean Hannity asserted, “Bill Clinton says that Barack Obama may not be ready to be president.” But Clinton did not say that. Rather, during an interview with ABC's Kate Snow, Clinton said, "[Y]ou could argue that no one is ever ready to be president," adding, “I mean, I certainly learned a lot about the job in my first year.” Clinton went on to praise Obama, saying that "[h]e's shown a keen strategic sense" and "he's smart as a whip."
Hannity distorted Bill Clinton's comments about readiness for presidency
Written by Matthew Biedlingmaier
During the August 7 edition of Fox News' Hannity & Colmes, co-host Sean Hannity asserted, “Bill Clinton says that Barack Obama may not be ready to be president.” But Clinton did not in fact say that “Barack Obama may not be ready to be president.” Rather, during an interview with ABC's Kate Snow, posted August 5 to ABCNews.com, Clinton said, "[Y]ou could argue that no one is ever ready to be president," adding, “I mean, I certainly learned a lot about the job in my first year. You could argue that even if you've been vice president for eight years, that no one can ever be fully ready for the pressures of the office. And that everyone learns something, and something different.” Clinton went on to praise Obama, saying, “He's shown a keen strategic sense in his ability to run an effective campaign. He clearly can inspire and motivate people and energize them, which is a very important part of being a president. And he's smart as a whip, so there's nothing he can't learn.”
From Clinton's interview with Snow:
SNOW: Is he ready to be president?
CLINTON: You could argue that no one is ever ready to be president. I mean, I certainly learned a lot about the job in the first year. You could argue that even if you've been vice president for eight years, that no one can ever be fully ready for the pressures of the office. And that everyone learns something, and something different. You could argue that. He's shown a keen strategic sense in his ability to run an effective campaign. He clearly can inspire and motivate people and energize them, which is a very important part of being a president. And he's smart as a whip, so there's nothing he can't learn.
From the August 7 edition of Fox News' Hannity & Colmes:
HANNITY: And welcome to Hannity & Colmes. We're glad you're with us. We get right to our 'Top Story' tonight. Remember that sunny day in New Hampshire when Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama stood hand in hand, the sun -- the sun was shining, the crowd was cheering, and all Democrats hailed from a town called Unity.
[sound of glass breaking]
Well, not anymore. Hillary Clinton wants a choice slot at the convention. Bill Clinton says that Barack Obama may not be ready to be president. And new polls suggest that Obama may still have problems courting the older white female vote that made up the -- well, larger percentage of Clinton's constituency in the primaries.