Hannity Echoes Trump’s Suggestion To Replace Traditional White House Press Briefings With Written Responses

Trump Suggested To Fox’s Justice With Judge Jeanine: “We Do It Through A Piece Of Paper With A Perfectly Accurate, Beautiful Answer”

From the May 15 edition of Premiere Radio Networks’ The Sean Hannity Show:

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SEAN HANNITY (HOST): Now the deep state media with the sense of smelling blood in the water, they have made it impossible for Sean Spicer to do his job or Sarah Huckabee to do her job and they just out for their gotcha moment every single minute of every single day. And I personally think that in the day and age of the president having, what, between 50 and 100 -- I don't know how many, he has two Twitter accounts, is @realDonaldTrump and @POTUS, and then he has Instagram, I don’t know how many people are on Instagram. And he has Facebook, millions on Facebook, and he doesn’t really need the media, so why are we going to do the dog and pony show act every day where the media every -- CNN starts, and then ABC, NBC, CBS start, and all those reporters want is their moment to look like they're the toughest so they can show it on their individual network. They’re not looking for policy information to pass on to the American people. They have their own agendas, and it's gotten so hostile, so bad, so quickly, I don't see any problem with the president saying, all right, there's a new and better way to do this that creates a less hostile environment for everybody, and that actually helps inform the American people.

What they should do in the press office in my opinion is every day they should take the top 10, 15, 20 stories of the day that they know they will be questioned on, and ought to print up before they do the one o'clock, two o'clock briefing every day, the answers to all the predictable questions, go out and hand it to every person in the White House briefing room and the press room, and then stand at the podium, answer those questions if they want a little more texture or context to what the written answers are, and if they want to ask something else they can, and you can say I'll get back to you tomorrow on that, and that will be a part of our written response tomorrow.


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