On Hannity, Rudy Giuliani Says 10 Percent Of Refugees Entering The U.S. Could Be Terrorists

Giuliani: Clinton Will “Bring In 6 Or 700,000 People, Of Which Let's Say 10 Percent Are Bad, And We Have 60,000 Terrorists In This Country, In Addition To The Home Grown Terrorists We Already Have”

From the October 20 edition of Fox News' Hannity:

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SEAN HANNITY (HOST): Also, on the issue of refugees, the issue of immigration, the issue of Supreme Court justices.

RUDY GIULIANI: Oh, killed her. He killed her on refugees, I mean, basically no answer again. She is going to let in Syrian refugees, she's going to have open borders, and she's going to vet them, except every official in the Obama government, in the Obama government, says we can't vet them.

HANNITY: By the way, she and WikiLeaks said we can't vet them.

GIULIANI: Right, and --

HANNITY: So, is -- doesn't that really mean she's willing to gamble with the lives of the American people?

GIULIANI: Yes. It means she's going to bring in 6 or 700,000 people, of which let's say 10 percent are bad, and we have 60,000 terrorists in this country in addition to the home grown terrorists we already have. Her answer to why not do it, because we have home grown terrorists is ridiculous, in other words, she wants to add to our homegrown terrorists terrorists we're going to bring from abroad. That is insane.


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