On Hannity's radio show, Bill O'Reilly fantasizes about confronting Alyssa Milano at Subway, then buying her a sandwich
On Hannity's radio show, Bill O'Reilly fantasizes about confronting Alyssa Milano at Subway, then buying her a sandwich

From the December 18, 2019 edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show:
BILL O'REILLY: I think Americans, and rightfully so, are angry and emotional, and - on both sides. On both sides. But if I - and I don't want to do this, I would avoid doing it - but if, say I ran into Alyssa Milano at a Subway, you know, and we're both getting sandwiches, alright? And then, I would turn to her and I would say, exactly what lies are haunting you? What lies, that President Trump has told, are disturbing you? I'd like to know. What lies? And I can guarantee you -- she wouldn't -- I would buy her Subway sandwich if she had an answer to that.
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): Is that what you're eating for, like, you know, Christmas Eve dinner, a Subway sandwich?
O'REILLY: Well, you know I'm a man of the people, so --
HANNITY: All right, Bill, stop. You gotta stop. I think you're believing your own crap.