Luntz: Daniel's Campaign Slogan Could Be “You've Had Four Years Of Charisma, Why Not Try Competence For A Change?” Written by Media Matters Staff Published 05/17/11 9:54 PM EDT From the May 17 edition of Fox News' Hannity: Video file Previously: Hannity Offers His Luntz-Approved 2012 Slogan To GOP Candidates After talking to Luntz, Hannity suggests a “winning formula” to GOP Senate candidates On Hannity, Luntz frames “the strongest argument the GOP can use” on taxes On Hannity, Luntz openly campaigns for Rep. Pete Hoekstra On Hannity, The First Of Two Consecutive Segments Devoted To Frank Luntz's Free Message Testing For Tea Party Freshmen “Word Doctor” Luntz gives Palin free advice about how to craft her media message Words that work? Luntz says health bill “is loaded with bombs just waiting to go off” Fox's Luntz: Pelosi “living proof you get one shot at a facelift. If it doesn't work the first time, let it go” Luntz denies GOP messaging charge, says he's being “demonized,” his work is “nonpartisan ... not political”