Sean Hannity attacks Mitch McConnell, says he should not “be the leader of the Republicans in the Senate” Written by Media Matters Staff Published 10/07/21 5:21 PM EDT Sean Hannity attacks Mitch McConnell, says he should not "be the leader of the Republicans in the Senate" October 7, 2021 Audio file Citation From the October 7, 2021, edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show SEAN HANNITY (HOST): Now, if Mitch McConnell doesn't believe in these principles then he really is not in the position to be the leader of the Republicans in the Senate, it's that simple. Now we'll have Lindsey Graham and Ted Cruz on together in the top of the next hour, we'll ask them where they stand. I know they're both, you know, they're both shocked by this.