Sean Hannity attacks vaccine mandates: “One size fits all medicine doesn’t make any sense”
Sean Hannity attacks vaccine mandates: “One size fits all medicine doesn’t make any sense”

From the September 16, 2021, edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Radio
MARK BRNOVICH: They are using the heavy hand of the federal government to literally threaten people's livelihoods, threaten people's businesses, basically shut down contractors that, you know, could have millions of dollars in government contracts, health care providers, nursing homes.
This is a massive power grab, make no mistake about it. And when it comes to OSHA, I guarantee you the comments they've made will help because it shows that what the Biden administration is doing is arbitrary, explicit authority in this context. I think that makes it all constitutionally suspect, Sean.
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): One size fits all medicine doesn't make any sense either. There -- there's no exemptions for people with rare medical conditions, for example.
I quoted yesterday, extensively on this program, a article that came out in the Epoch Times about Dr. Robert Malone. Now he happens to be the guy that -- the doctor, the medical doctor that discovered the technology that led to the MRNA vaccines, that would be Pfizer, Moderna. Johnson and Johnson is more of a traditional vaccine.
And he is saying that natural immunity, based on every indication that he can see, and he cited a specific study out of Israel, is much, much stronger, longer lasting and better than even the technology that he himself discovered.