Sean Hannity blames Dr. Tony Fauci for Donald Trump’s coronavirus failures
Hannity: “How much faster could he have acted when in late February Anthony Fauci, who is so highly respected – February 29th – is saying low risk?”
Sean Hannity blames Dr. Tony Fauci for Donald Trump’s coronavirus failures
From the April 13, 2020, edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): So the mob in the media as insane as they are -- so they can't be critical of Trump. They tried. They tried to say he treated it as a hoax. Well, the travel ban negates that. 10 days after the first known case. "He could've seen what was coming." Ok, well that newspaper was telling people in early February it's safe to go to China. They so politicized it they were calling it the Trump virus and if you're feeling awful you knew who to blame.
"Well, Hannity you made a comparison to the flu yourself." I said that's just for perspective. And I also said I wished nobody died. Ever. I wish we had a cure for every disease. You know, that claiming the flu was just as if not more than the coronavirus -- you know, it doesn't matter that the president put the travel ban in place. That was xenophobic, fearmongering, racist, and stigmatizing by the media. But he didn't treat it seriously. How much faster could he have acted when in late February Anthony Fauci, who is so highly respected - February 29th - is saying low risk, by February 29th. March 4th, March 2nd Andrew Cuomo saying the same thing, Anderson Cooper saying the same thing. And it's all over the place. I'm not even being critical because people didn't know.