Sean Hannity calls for Trump and AG Barr "to investigate Barack Obama and Joe Biden's Department of Justice” over Flynn charges
Hannity: “They targeted an innocent man”
Sean Hannity calls for Trump and AG Barr "to investigate Barack Obama and Joe Biden's Department of Justice” over Flynn charges

From the May 7, 2020, edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show:
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): By the way, to all of you that donated to his defense fund, thank you. It's the only -- it literally was the lifeline that allowed this team to keep working, and thank God Sidney Powell got on it. Now, this -- I'm telling you another thing, and we've not been wrong here the whole time. The mob in the media, Russia, Russia, Ukraine, Ukraine, breathtaking hypocrisy, all of it -- but all this does is exonerate Gen. Flynn.
Now, it's time to investigate Barack Obama and Joe Biden's Department of Justice, and that would start with Comey and McCabe and Strzok and Page, and upper echelon, 7th floor people at the FBI, Department of Justice, and that would also include guys like John Brennan and Clapper, James Clapper, and the rest of them, and what they did here is they targeted an innocent man, and they -- this is prosecutorial abuse, for all the reasons the president just said.