Sean Hannity defends Donald Trump's claim that Jews who vote for Democrats hate their religion
Sean Hannity defends Donald Trump's claim that Jews who vote for Democrats hate their religion

From the March 19, 2024, edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): Now today's big thing is you've got the White House trying to pounce on Trump for "an unhinged antisemitic rhetoric." He said any Jewish person voting for Democrats that "they're hating your religion." What was Donald Trump referring to when he said this? And maybe he could have been more articulate, but what was the president saying here? The president was saying how inappropriate it would be, after Israel suffered the worst terrorist attack in their history that killed all these Israelis and so many Israelis and Americans taken hostage. And where's the Democratic Party? Why did it take Donald Trump to move the embassy from Tel Aviv to its right home in Jerusalem? Who is the president that was most supportive of Israel in his president -- that would be Donald Trump.