Sean Hannity defends Trump backed congressional candidate thrown off the ballot by Tennessee Republican Party
Hannity: “This seems swampy as it can be”
Sean Hannity defends Trump backed congressional candidate thrown off the ballot by Tennessee Republican Party

From the April 25, 2022, edition of Premiere Radio Network's The Sean Hannity Show
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): So we have a series of efforts now that I've not seen in my lifetime, or certainly not to the extent that we're seeing it, of people wanting other candidates removed from ballots. And in the state of Tennessee, in particular, actually being willing to change the rules in the middle of the game to actually get there.
The Tennessee Republican Party removed three Congressional hopefuls from the primary ballot in what is a new fifth Congressional district following months of, you know, interparty fighting over who qualifies as a Republican. In the -- this particular case, Morgan Ortagus, who was the former Spokesperson at the State Department under President Trump and a Navy Reserve Officer and a candidate for the fifth Congressional district, was removed from the ballot by her fellow Republicans. This seems as swampy as it can be. She was endorsed by Donald Trump in her particular case. But with the removals, you got to ask, well, why were these three people removed?
Now, the state party removed the candidates because they say that they didn't meet their requirements to be considered Tennessee Republicans. The problem is the Tennessee and Democratic parties have the ability to set their own rules. But these rules, as I understand it, were adopted after they had already been on the ballot or had announced their candidacy. So in other words, seems like they're changing it in midstream.