Sean Hannity: “I doubt Tucker would be yucking it up with Donald Trump” if he didn’t support him
Sean Hannity: “I doubt Tucker would be yucking it up with Donald Trump” if he didn’t support him

From the August 2, 2022, edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show
CALLER: The second article I read from fake news reporter Jeremy Peters from the almost-bankrupt New York Times, he was disparaging our sweet Tucker, saying how Tucker didn't support Trump and what you see on the show is not how he really feels. And I just --
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): Well, did he -- did not see the Trump and Tucker were together this past weekend, and laughing and having a great time at Bedminster together?
CALLER: Yeah, and --
HANNITY: So, and that would be a lie also. That's not true either.
CALLER: But they're so desperate, Sean. I mean, they're really reaching now. And I can't believe, like, they don't see what clowns they're making of themselves in the national eye.
HANNITY: Listen, I know a lot of people are very interested in 2024. I wanna get through 2022's election first. And there's gonna be plenty of time to talk about 2024. So in the -- in the meantime, I'm gonna try and stay focused on the issues of this election and the issues of 2024 will handle themselves as they unfold.
And I don't speak for anybody, but I doubt Tucker would be yucking it up with Donald Trump at Bedminster if what Jeremy Peters wrote was true. I've been -- I have been lied about by both those newspapers so many times, it's just not worth even reading it for me anymore.