Sean Hannity on John Bolton: “Do I trust anything he does and says? Nope, not at all”
Hannity: “I really don’t care about what John Bolton has to say because I now know that he wasn’t telling me the truth on a number of occasions”
Sean Hannity on John Bolton: “Do I trust anything he does and says? Nope, not at all”

From the June 18, 2020, edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show:
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): I just don't have any interest, as I said earlier in the program, on John Bolton. I just, you know -- his statements that he has made again and again, "Oh, the president, there's no evidence he's soft on Russia," you know what? There isn't any evidence. Book comes out, even now impeachment Democrats blasting Bolton's book after it turns out to be a nothing burger. You know, even the corrupt, compromised congenital liar Schiff says "Hey, he's no patriot. He's no" -- okay, well, whatever. I don't really care.
John Bolton, you know, look at what they're saying. You can't -- you sign a paper, you make an agreement that you're not going to divulge secrets that are of national security importance. And as I pointed out, his -- yeah, he did not go through the process that he himself had agreed to, and that he's attempting, in this book to contain classified information, is clear.
Now, I'm just saying I'm not going to go into the details. I really don't care about what John Bolton has to say because I now know that he wasn't telling me the truth on a number of occasions. Are my feelings hurt? No. Do I trust anything he does and says? Nope, not at all, because I know better. And he knows I know better.