Sean Hannity on lifting lockdowns: “We don't want the morgues full, but we also have to eat. You have to balance it”
Hannity: “You can't shut down the whole country, because we're not going to have anything at that point”
Sean Hannity on lifting lockdowns: “We don't want the morgues full, but we also have to eat. You have to balance it”

From the March 27, 2020, edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show:
BETSY MCCAUGHEY: The issue of when to moderate or lift the lockdown depends less on how many cases there are -- let's not be confused and think that we have to be locked down until this virus disappears, or a vaccine is --
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): Well, I asked the president about this last night, and the president was very, very clear in saying that well, he -- look, New York may be longer, California may be longer.
HANNITY: We see bigger issues now breaking out in Louisiana, and I know more help is headed for Louisiana. Washington State might be a little bit longer, but other areas that are not seeing high incidents of this might be able to get back to business soon.
And we got to remember one other thing, if we all want our grocery shelves full, and we all want our pharmacies full, if we all want the medicines that we all need, and everything else in between, well -- you can't shut down the whole country, because we're not going to have anything at that point.
MCCAUGHEY: Well, right, and --
BRIAN MCDONOUGH: Well, Sean, we -- we have to remember, Sean, that we don't want our morgues full either. And I think the thing that we have to realize is when we get to a point --
HANNITY: By the way, Dr. McDonough, of course we don't want the morgues full, but we also have to eat. You have to balance it.