Sean Hannity mocks Biden's efforts to improve vaccine distribution: “It's not that hard”
Hannity: “You got all the vaccines from Donald Trump. Just figure out how to get them out faster”
Sean Hannity mocks Biden's efforts to improve vaccine distribution: "It's not that hard"

Audio file
From the January 21, 2021, edition of Premiere Radio's The Sean Hannity Show
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): You see that? Biden walking over and signing his COVID-19 response executive orders? Joe, it's not that hard. You got all the vaccines from Donald Trump. Just figure out how to get them out faster and talk to your Democratic liberal governor friends and tell them to now organize who it's going to and quickly and do it expeditiously, and prioritize health workers, the elderly, those with pre-existing conditions, neighborhoods that were hit particularly hard. It's not that hard.