Sean Hannity: My show is doing well because “we tell the truth”
Sean Hannity: My show is doing well because "we tell the truth"

From the February 5, 2020 edition of Premiere Radio's The Sean Hannity Show:
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): Two questions, you know, you were very kind saying why you think my show is doing well. Thank you I think one of the reasons is, Bill, is we tell the truth, we were vindicated especially on everything to do with FISA abuse, Hillary dirty dossier, and more coming. What about the mob in the media? Now that they've built expectations and been wrong yet again in a massive way.
BILL O'REILLY: It's chaos over there. And CBS News -- this is the first time I've said this publicly but I believe it to be true-- is now moving to the right because they're losing so much audience and they don't have any shot in the morning and in the evening news anymore, that they're actually being nice to Donald Trump now, trying to get in some of those viewers who don't hate him. So it's chaos on the network news front, morning news not what it used to be, and the two very liberal cable networks are not growing at all