Sean Hannity praises Donald Trump for misleading the public about COVID-19: “He wasn’t going to overhype this thing”
Sean Hannity praises Donald Trump for misleading the public about COVID-19: “He wasn’t going to overhype this thing”

Audio file
From the September 9, 2020 edition of Premiere Radio's The Sean Hannity Show
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): And so, where they're now focused on is now in March. Another phone call with Bob Woodward, writing this book. I guess the President cooperated with this. Not sure exactly why but anyway, tells Woodward, "I don't want to create a panic." In other words, he wasn't going to overhype this thing. Now, even if it is 5 times worse than your average flu, you're not talking about millions of Americans dying. But maybe, who knows what would've happened if the travel ban not bought us all the time that that bought us?