Sean Hannity promises Republicans will “get their revenge” over indictment of Donald Trump
Sean Hannity promises Republicans will "get their revenge" over indictment of Donald Trump

From the April 3, 2023, edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): I'd like to be able to wake people up. But I'll be honest, there are people going to be popping champagne corks and they're going to be giddy and they're going to be happy. And they don't care how frivolous the charge is. They don't care about the double standard that exists in our justice system or a dual justice system or unequal justice under the law, a lack of equal application of our laws. They don't care. They don't care about the constitutional aspects of this, which are deep and long-lasting.
And I'm telling you, if this is allowed to stand and continue, then, you know, watch out, because there's going to be a time and a place where Republicans, they'll get their revenge, too. And there'll be some Democrat and they'll be going after them for spitting on the sidewalk and jaywalking, because that's basically what this is.