Sean Hannity reacts to McCabe declination: “There is something massive that is underway that we don't know about”
Hannity: “I am being told by people that I trust that something bigger is in play”
Sean Hannity reacts to McCabe declination: "There is something massive that is underway that we don't know about"
From the February 14, 2020 edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show:
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): By the way, the chief law enforcement officer in the country, do you know who it is? It is the president. The president of the United States. The president has the power and authority, he could walk into the Justice Department and say "I want you to investigate this, this, this, this and this." The president hasn't done that.
Enough clues, crumbs are being dropped here. I think the declination is -- is, in the end minor, small ball. That's not where the Attorney General and John Durham are.
And you might say, "Hannity, what if you're wrong?" Well, if I'm wrong I'll come on this program and admit it, unlike the rest of the media mob, but I don't think I am because something else has happened today.
And that is the Attorney General also has installed an outside prosecutor to review the case against General Flynn. You know how I interpret that, is General Flynn is going to be vindicated, that this -- what they have done to him is gonna end.
How do I know that? I don't. I'm surmising it. I'm looking at a chessboard, and I'm -- look, you play chess, you gotta look five step -- five moves ahead. And if you're a great chess player you move -- and you have every step ahead. You know, if they do that, I'm going there, they do this, I'm going here, and then, eventually, checkmate.
And I think what we have here is a -- there is something massive that is underway that we don't know about.
All of this is coming out, is my prediction. It is going to be such a shock to the system of deep state corruption and abuse of power, that it will ultimately -- we will get the justice that is -- that is warranted.
Apparently in America only conservatives get prosecuted, because these deep state operatives have not been held to account to this point.
And we hear oh, declination letter on McCabe, great.
It infuriates me even saying it, but I think something bigger is in play. I am being told by people that I trust that something bigger is in play. I don't know what it is. I think what the Attorney General is trying to say is "I am independent and I'm not going to listen to any political sides." And from his point of view, he needs to do that. He's not wrong to do that, and I think these moves that we're now beginning to see, coupled with the little crumbs that he's been dropping show that something really -- something horribly has gone wrong and they now know it, and they believe it.
If I'm wrong, then we're screwed.