Sean Hannity: The Russia investigation “is not the same thing as what happened to George Floyd, but it is horrific”
Hannity: “He was a victim of crooked cops. Now, again, not the same circumstances, I’m not making any comparison a bad cop is a bad cop”
From the June 9, 2020, edition of Fox News' Hannity
SEAN HANNITY: This has to stop. Yes, there are bad apples within some police departments. There are dirty cops. In fact, no program on cable news on the radio has spent more time exposing the bad actors on the federal level. 7th floor FBI, Comey, McCabe, Strozk, Page, remember those names? Yes, they abused their power, and by the way, we have been fully vindicated on our reporting. And of course all the corruption, they used their power and influence to what? To stop one candidate from being the elected then overturning an election, seriously? In the United States of America. Yup.
What did Joe DiGenova say? Dirty cops. Not the 99%. How many times have I said 1%, not the 99. We've got to make the distinction. We don't rush to judgment, you don't make broad sweeping generalizations. For years we on this program have investigated FISA abuse, premeditated fraud, prosecutorial misconduct, unlawful government spying. We were right. We exposed how corrupt high-ranking law enforcement officials tried to rig an election and destroy Donald Trump at all costs. Overturn an election. Even the President himself, it is not the same thing as what happened to George Floyd, but it is horrific. He was a victim of crooked cops. Now, again, not the same circumstances, I'm not making any comparison a bad cop is a bad cop and by all means by the way the damage was real to the country.