Sean Hannity says Biden explanation for stumbling on stairs is the biggest lie ever told at a White House press briefing
Hannity: “I don’t think there’s ever been a bigger lie told from that podium”
Sean Hannity says Biden explanation for stumbling on stairs is the biggest lie ever told at a White House press briefing

From the March 24, 2021, edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): My question is, Bill O'Reilly, do you believe the lie that -- and I think it's a lie -- that Joe Biden was pushed to the ground by a gust of wind three times? Because I don't think there's ever been a bigger lie told from that podium.
BILL O'REILLY (GUEST): Do I believe that he was pushed to the ground--
HANNITY: Do you believe he got blown over by the wind? That's what I'm asking.
O'REILLY: No, I don't. I don't believe that he was. Here's what I know--
HANNITY: I can't believe I have to ask you that question but go ahead.
O'REILLY: Here's what I know to be true. Joe Biden is in decline. There's no doubt about it. He's in decline. Now, how bad that is? I cannot ascertain. Was I happy he fell down on the stairs and embarrassed himself? I was not happy. That did not bring me joy.