Sean Hannity says Democrats are “a lawless mob” attempting “Soviet-style impeachment”
Sean Hannity: “All the president is really guilty of is faithfully executing the laws of this land and fulfilling his constitutional duties”
From the October 22 edition of Fox News' Hannity:
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): We are going to break down tonight, in detail, something corrupt and dangerous to this democratic republic that we love.
We will expose on this program the Democrats' top secret, their Soviet-style impeachment coup attempt, and how it is an unprecedented, unconstitutional attempt to nullify the will of the American people.
The whole process is more corrupt, lacking all due process, all constitutionality and constitutional protections. It is based on utter and complete nonsense, zero violation of any law by the president. All the president is really guilty of is faithfully executing the laws of this land and fulfilling his constitutional duties.
We will explain and explore this, partisan Democrats detached from any objective truth. To be a Democrat, you can't believe in truth, reason, common sense. This is now a lawless mob. Nothing that we are witnessing is driven by facts, logic, law, constitutionality, no. A psychotic rage and hatred at all things Trump, even the mention of his name.
These Democrats, their allies in the media mob, they are triggered by the mere sound of President Trump's name. They are set off and triggered by the sight of a red MAGA hat on a 16-year-old innocent kid.
What we are living through and witnessing is a level of madness as a country, and we better stop or we're not going to have a country, and yes, it's that serious.
Now, in their latest effort to take this president down, the cowardly, the corrupt Adam Schiff is holding secret hearings, secret meetings, that results in secrets transcripts, all hidden from the American people, the Trump administration, the president's lawyers.
This has never happened, ever, in any previous impeachment proceeding. Now, forget any and all constitutional due process, this is beyond a kangaroo court.
I can't even believe it's happening in America, an attempted political coup.