Sean Hannity says government assistance robs people of the “stress that’s going to force you to get your ass out of bed”
Hannity: “Once you assure people that everything’s taken care of, where’s the stress that’s going to force you to get your ass out of bed and go produce goods and service?”
Sean Hannity says government assistance robs people of the “stress that’s going to force you to get your ass out of bed”

From the July 17, 2020, edition of Premiere Radio's The Sean Hannity Show
HANNITY: I go through East Germany, I go through Venezuela, and the former Soviet Union, and I quote the Communist Manifesto. You know while the promises are so assuring, reassuring-- "You will have no risk in life, no fear in life, your government is going to protect you," how did that Obamacare thing work out? The problem is the math, it is simple fundamental math, and more importantly, once you take away the natural stress of life, if you believe as I do that every man, woman, and child is born with talents from God but if you're not put in an environment where there's good stress, the stress that makes you dig deep dive. Do a good deep dive within yourself and do things you never dreamed you could do because--out of necessity.
When I was out on my own in my late teens and my early 20's I had to work out of necessity, I had to work because I needed to pay my rent and buy old cars because that's all I could afford and certainly not go out to eat. So there's a good stress that brings the best out of people. Once you assure people everything's taken care of, where's the stress that's going to force you to get your ass out of bed every day and go produce goods and services that people want, need, and desire?