Sean Hannity says Republican chaos at the southern border “is of Joe Biden’s making”
Sean Hannity says Republican chaos at the southern border “is of Joe Biden’s making”

From the January 26, 2024, edition of Premiere Radio Networks' The Sean Hannity Show
SEAN HANNITY (HOST): Joe has painted himself into a corner. We now have what is a real showdown in the state of Texas. We have seen incredible solidarity from our Republican governors around the country supporting Texas Governor Abbott and supporting his state, all of this in a backdrop that has gotten worse.
This is of Joe Biden's making. Joe Biden took Texas to court. Texas trying to do Joe's job. People are not allowed to enter our country illegally, and they've been doing it. You know, for 3 years, Joe Biden and his administration, they have decided to ignore, not only not enforce the laws of our land, which you can't pick and choose, but also aid and abet in the law breaking.
That's providing free transportation to illegal immigrants -- that would normally be called human trafficking if you did it or I did this. And we've now had -- we're now getting close to 10 million, between gotaways and those that we know, that have entered this country illegally under Joe Biden's open borders policy.